Are you feeling a sense of boredom or frustration with the current news headlines?
This is a question I pose because it seems that many individuals, myself included, resonate with this feeling.

The answer to why we feel this way is quite simple: we are already aware of the underlying truths that are often hidden beneath the surface. It has become increasingly clear that mainstream media tends to lag behind the actual truth by anywhere from six months to as long as five years, a reality that many of us have come to recognize.
Additionally, we possess a deeper understanding of how key players within the media landscape operate, which leads us to approach their statements with skepticism. Rather than accepting their words without question, we actively seek out tangible actions that reflect genuine progress and change.

 In recent years, whenever the news suggests that significant events are on the horizon, I would search for the truth in tarot. I consistently drew the 2 of swords. For me, this card symbolises a crucial reminder:
"Don't take on board all the fear-mongering crap."

 It is essential to remain informed about the world around us, but it is equally important not to internalise the negativity or become overwhelmed by fear.
Change what you can in the world for the better, but don't buy into propaganda that has been deliberately created without your best of interests at the heart.

Instead, I strive to maintain a positive outlook on life, focusing on living happily and staying true to my own path. In doing so, I encourage others to do the same, fostering a sense of love and support for one another in these tumultuous times.
 Much love, Therese

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