Games to enhance your intuition!

Intuition, ESP, third eye, second sight, clairvoyance, gut feeling – whatever you call it, it's no mystery. We all have it from birth, but for some reason, we've been taught to suppress it since childhood.

The only thing you need to stop stifling your sixth sense is to practice. It's also OK to be wrong, because then you will know what it feels like to be right. 

Having fun whilst working on your psychic abilities may be done with family, friends or alone.
                                                                    Here are some examples.....

                                                                             On your own:
*Guess who is ringing you before you answer the phone.
*Guess who is knocking on the door before you open it.
*Shuffle a pack of ordinary playing cards. Place each one down with the back of the card facing you. Is it red or is it black? Once you get the hang of this, try to pick which suit the card is.

                                                                              With others:

    * Set a specific time frame for someone to do an activity at their place (e.g., brushing their hair, sweeping the floor), and you have to guess what they are doing. 
    * Ask someone to hide an item in one hand. With their fists closed, guess which hand holds the item.

    * Take turns with another to think of a simple shape or object for each to guess what it is. 

      Most important thing to remember is to not try so hard, and have fun doing it!

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