Only yesterday I talked about how important it is to be
grateful and how magically gratitude is influencing our lives.
Well, last night, on New Year’s Eve it happened:
I had an
experience that took me by surprise and confirmed just that in a very vivid
It all started when I had New Year’s Eve dinner at my house with
my girlfriend Rosemary. I had cooked Fettucine Gamberi, a prawn dish infused with Galliano, something very popular that we used to serve
in our restaurant years ago. And of course we enjoyed a few drinks as well.
There were the two of us happy New Year's Eve Celebrants, as well as my daughter’s two gorgeous
Huskies Bella and Maya and my son’s little Moodle Lilly who I was looking
Maya, the white Husky took to Rosemary and made her pat
pretty much all night when all of a sudden Rosemary shouts out, “Andrea, Maya
has got a tick at her eye”!
You can imagine that the mood had changed immediately from what
were happy and celebratory vibes to instant worry, concern and dreadful images
of Maya becoming sick from maybe a poisonous tick.
Rosemary who like me, is a lot into natural remedies, suggested to put Vaseline
onto the tick to suffocate it. Unfortunately, there’s no such thing at the
house and I grabbed Castor Oil instead and started putting it onto what we thought
was a tick very carefully, not to get it into Maya’s eye.
Soon I realized that us trying to deal with the tick wasn’t
going to work. So, a decision was made mutually to take Maya to the 24 hour Vet.
While I got the
beautiful girl ready, putting her on her lead, Rosemary inquired about which Vet to go to. And next
moment the three of us were in my car, Maya on the back seat, Rosemary as copilot and me as driver.
Lilly and Bella had to stay home, Lilly being locked into my room and Bella in the launch room.
Needless to tell you that it was risky driving down the highway
with the amount of bubbly wine in my blood, especially on New Year's Eve.
But all that counted was Maya’s
health! After all she was and still is in my care until the kids come back from
their holiday in Thailand.
So, here we are, two middle aged ladies, one with her funny New
Year’s Eve hairband, the other one worried sick, rocking up at the after hours Vet
surgery around about 10:30 pm on New Year’s Eve!
Seeing the beautiful white Husky that Maya is, the staff
recognized us instantly and said, ‘The tick, right?’
They examined Maya and it didn’t take them long to figure
out that it wasn’t a tick after all. ‘It’s just a skin tag!’, they said.
Relieve, happiness, celebration, joy and most importantly
GRATITUDE were the emotions that rushed through Rosemary and myself instantly.
How grateful were we after such a scare to be told that gorgeous
Maya was perfectly fine. And to top it all off, the beautiful staff at the after
hours clinic in Carrara didn’t even charge me a cent for examining Maya.
Even more to be grateful for!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for protecting us and the
girls and for making that New Year’s Eve an unforgettable one!